Amplify My Wealth is the resource for information on planning personal finances and increasing financial literacy.

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amplify your wealth

WHETHER YOU are A millionaire or
living paycheck to paycheck and WANTing TO ELIMINATE DEBT. 


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Although I am a licensed attorney, I do not practice law. Yet, I combine my passion for personal finances by helping people as a licensed registered investment advisor and providing holistic wealth advising for goal-oriented individuals. This blog aligns with my passion for sharing my knowledge with goal-driven individuals looking to enhance their financial literacy and amplify their wealth.

Are you ready to simplify your finances, achieve your financial goals, and amplify your wealth?

Let’s connect! Click the link below to schedule your
free 18-minute consultation.
Ask Alissa

Join the Amplify My Wealth community on Instagram for even more tips, and connect and connect with me on LinkedIn to learn more ways to amplify your wealth!


Access The Amplify My Wealth Guide To
Living The Life You Want

Although I am a licensed attorney, I do not practice law. Yet, I combine my passion for personal finances by helping people as a licensed registered investment advisor and providing holistic wealth advising for goal-oriented individuals. This blog aligns with my passion for sharing my knowledge with goal-driven individuals looking to enhance their financial literacy and amplify their wealth.

Are you ready to simplify your finances, achieve your financial goals, and amplify your wealth?

Let’s connect! Click the link
below to schedule your
free 18-minute consultation.
Ask Alissa

Join the Amplify My Wealth community on Instagram for even more tips, and connect with me on LinkedIn to learn more ways to amplify your wealth!

Women often overlook prioritizing their finances. As caregivers, they often prioritize the needs of others over their own needs. Also, women usually earn less, are less financially literate, are not in charge of their finances, and live longer than their partners. Ultimately women need more money. Yet, women can overcome these financial challenges.

Women: Overcome Financial Challenges

Smiling Woman Holding Out A "Fan" Of Money in Her Hand. Women: Overcome Financial Challenges

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When considering spending money, your return on your investment is top of mind. However, the return on your investment is always important. When investing your money or purchasing insurance, investing and insurance don’t mix, as they each serve different primary objectives.

Why Investing And Insurance Don’t Mix

When considering spending money, your return on your investment is top of mind. However, the return on your investment is always important. When investing your money or purchasing insurance, investing and insurance don’t mix, as they each serve different primary objectives.

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Your emergency fund is your self-insurance. Starting your emergency fund sooner than later will avail you of guardrails. Your emergency fund can help prevent you from derailing your financial future. Follow these four steps to start your emergency fund, gain financial confidence and stability, giving you peace of mind.

4 Steps To Starting Your Emergency Fund

Your Emergency Fund

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Did you ever wonder how to get rid of credit card debt? Having a value-driven personalized financial plan is a great way to eliminate debt. By making financial decisions that align with your values, you are more likely to succeed and reach your financial goals. So what are you waiting for?

How To Get Rid Of Credit Card Debt

Did you ever wonder how to get rid of credit card debt? Having a value-driven personalized financial plan is a great way to eliminate debt. By making financial decisions that align with your values, you are more likely to succeed and reach your financial goals. So what are you waiting for?

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How To Save For A Home
Following these best practices before making a commitment to buying your home will help you avoid unnecessary financial stress and regrets.

How To Save Money For A Home

save money for a home downpayment for your new home

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How To Improve Your Personal Finances And Financial Confidence Are you uncertain about your personal finances because you do not know if you will have “enough money”? Improving your personal finances can improve many aspects of your life.

Personal Finances 101: Amplify My Wealth

how to improve your personal finances

How To Improve Your Personal Finances And Financial Confidence Are you uncertain about your personal finances because you do not know if you will have “enough money”? Improving your personal finances can improve many aspects of your life.

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Life can be unpredictable, but your finances don’t need to be. Live the life you want with a degree of certainty by planning your personal finances and letting your personalized financial plan guide you.

3 Vital Steps To Planning Your Personal Finances 

planning your personal finances, pay off credit card debt

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A personalized financial plan is your roadmap to achieving your financial goals. Though life may be unpredictable, a comprehensive financial plan guides you to live within your means while taking intentional action toward your dream financial future. 

3 Reasons Why Everyone Needs A Personalized Financial Plan

financial planning

A personalized financial plan is your roadmap to achieving your financial goals. Though life may be unpredictable, a comprehensive financial plan guides you to live within your means while taking intentional action toward your dream financial future. 

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