Improve your financial wellness with holistic wealth advising

Simplify to AMPLIFY

Your Finances

HER priority

Your Finances

her priority

Meet the Founder:

Alissa Krasner Maizes. J.D., 

While her friends read Seventeen Magazine, Alissa read about investing in Kiplinger's Personal Finance Magazine. Alissa's grandmother's struggles through the depression directly impacted Alissa's money mindset and her lifelong passion for personal finances.
When it was time for her to buy her first home, she followed in her grandma's footsteps, purchasing a home well within her budget, which she continues to live in over 22 years later. Prioritizing value and "needs" over "wants" allowed Alissa to instill her mindset in her grown children and amplify her wealth, setting aside money for investments rather than leveling up her lifestyle. She simplifies your finances and shares this value mindset with you, empowering you to live the life you want. 

Alissa simplifies the financial planning process with her straightforward and supportive approach, helping people overcome anxiety around their money. Alissa incorporates her legal knowledge, giving her a unique perspective on how estate planning, inheritances, taxation, and other legal matters impact finances. 

When not advising clients, Alissa volunteers for nonprofits providing pro bono financial advising for clients of Savvy Ladies and developing campaigns for nonprofits to help ensure they reach their fundraising goals. Her collaborative fundraising efforts have helped raise millions of dollars for causes close to her heart.

Alissa also values her time with her family and friends, still loves reading financial articles and books, and enjoys listening to and being a guest on financial podcasts and watching CNBC.

my Qualifications

Licensed Attorney, New York

CANDIDATE FOR CFP® Certification

*not practicing law

Investment Advisor Representative for MY REGISTERED INVESTMENT ADVISORY FIRM: Amplify My Wealth

With Amplify My Wealth, you will get answers to your financial questions. 

Do you want to invest wisely but are unsure of how to create a long-term investment strategy?

Are you ready to build wealth and increase your financial literacy but want to be strategic (not impulsive) about investing your money?

Do you have financial regrets and need a financial or debt elimination plan?

FINANCIAL advising to simplify and amplify your wealth

My goal is for you to
achieve your biggest goals.

Looking for a partner to AMPLIFY your wealth?

My investment knowledge coupled with a strong legal background makes Amplify My Wealth’s holistic planning and wealth advising services ideal for those ready to increase their financial literacy in:

Financial Planning
Retirement Planning
Estate Planning
College Savings Plan

Investment Allocation 
And More!

You deserve to achieve your financial goals and live the life you want.
Our financial planning packages are designed to get you there. 

Amplify My Wealth In The Media

More Publications Coming Soon!
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